Tuesday, February 12, 2013

6 months in...

Wow, where has the time gone?! I'm approaching 6 months at my job and suprised at how fast it's gone by. I still like what I'm doing and hopeful for what the future may bring.

I've kept busy with the kids, work, home improvements and quilting. Somehow I've managed to make 3 quilts in the last few months. Below is the most recent quilt top that I've finished.

I think this one is going to a young couple who married this last year as a belated wedding gift.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Very silly stuff.

Did you have a good Halloween? Have lots of trick or treaters? Take the kids out to bring home buckets of candy? I love autumn and all the holidays that go with it.

We had a great time. Natalie was a Cheeto (cheetah), Katy was a lamb and Andy didn't dress up but went with us just for the fun of it. The girls were so cute, but then again, they are my children so I'm a little biased about it.

The silly thing was, that after practicing for weeks on end, Natalie was mute! This is a pretty rare thing for her as she is 3 and loud and proud. She does most everything at top volume. Out of the dozens of opportunies to say "Trick or treat", she said it once. And so quietly, the lady she said it to couldn't hear her. It was cute, really it was. She was so shy. Katy didn't seem to think much of it other than she was getting candy and wanted to eat it as fast as she was getting it.

All in all, we had fun. We went out for 2 hours, came back with a HUGE bowl of candy and I'm making dental appointments asap.

Tell me about your Halloween. I'd love to hear.


Thursday, October 11, 2012

Fast forward

It's been 6 weeks with the new job.

Days of getting up at 5:00 AM to get the girls to the sitter (a round trip of 60+ miles). Getting to work on time, getting home after the evening round trip and making dinner and then collapsing in bed. Urgh.....(I think I can, I think I can) Thankfully, the days of 5:00 AM wake up are only once a week now.

My wonderful sister (Momo) takes the girls to help offset the cost of paying a sitter. I rather like that they get to spend some time with her and I know they are a little spoiled for the day when they are there but isn't that what aunts do? They come home exhausted and full of Aunt Momo's good cooking. Not to mention a few new toys too.

The job is great. They tell me this is the slow time of the year and I fully believe them! I like what I'm doing and I really think this will lead to better things in the future. It's interesting work and there is so much to learn.

What I don't like is the reduction in pay. OUCH! Things were tight before but now they really are. Hopefully our money saving ways and reduction in a few bills will help. All I can say is come on Febuary!

Thanks for reading and I'll try not to go 6 weeks without posting!

Saturday, August 25, 2012

A few days in...

I began my new job this week and just like any other new job, there is a lot to learn. I'm thankful for a very patient co-worker who is training me. I've had a very warm welcome from most every one there.

Thankfully, today is Saturday and I don't have to get up for anything work or school related. Someone should tell the girls that as they were up at 7:15. I won't complain, it's still later than 6.

Next week will be the true test. I'll have to get up extra early to drive my girls to Mimi and Papa's while hubs and I work. A 90 minute round trip BEFORE I go to work and then I get to repeat it at the end of the day. I'll also have to wake, dress, cajole and load two sleepy girls. If it's easier than nailing jello to a wall then I'll consider it a success. It's a small price to pay for better work. I just hope they don't get car sick on the way there.

I was thinking this morning that this is the first time in my life that I have worked normal business hours since I've had children. And my oldest is 13!  I've always had jobs that were odd hours.
I'm not complaining, it's rather nice to be off at 5. And everyone in my home seems a little happier. Is it the new job happiness, the cooler weather or my imagination? Any way, I won't complain. I'm happy to see everyone at home happy and content.

Time to enjoy my weekend.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

A day of rest.

I've been hearing it creep up on the girls. A little sniffle, a little cough and now it's gone full blown. An end of summer cold. N's been a little sluggish and runny eyed the last few days but now she's congested and tired. So far, she's doing pretty good with it. K, poor little gal, has it a little worse. She's far more congested and of course, that's frustrating for her. Hard to drink her bottle when she can't breathe thru her nose. And to make it worse, when she lays down, she's uncomfortable from the congestion.

Fast forward to this morning, they're both a little crabby and stuffy. After breakfast, that they barely touched, I plunked them into a warm bath and let them play. Warm bath, lots of soapy bubbles, warm pj's from the dryer and warm towels to wrap up in. I think that hit the spot with both of them. It's a stay home in pajama day for sure.

K was ready for nap before I could get her in pj's. Thankfully the humidifier and a pillow to sleep on is helping her sleep. N is camping on the sofa and having a movie day. Oatmeal, cambric tea, soup and bread for the good heal your soul food. You'd think it was 30 degrees and the middle of winter but not so. It's around 85 right now. Oh well. A nice lazy day will do us all good.

My new job starts tomorrow and tying up those last few loose ends is a good way for me to spend the day. Between tea parties, blanket forts and coloring, it'll all get done.

Wish me luck on the new job, quick healing for the girls and no cold for me.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Wow, weight has been lifted...

I tried short hair once. I was 13 or so. It was cute, I liked it then but I had to go thru that whole awkward growing out phase. How nice that I spent my ENTIRE high school years in said phase. Never again.

Fast forward 10 years..(ok 15....ok ok.20 years) and I haven't cut my hair since. Of course, I've had my hair trimmed and cut a little here and there but nothing drastic. I'd look like Crystal Gale if I hadn't.

Until yesterday.

With a new job starting next week I decided that a new haircut was in order. I showed my lovely and talented friend where I wanted it to fall. A little past my shoulders.

She ponied it up and took off 12 inches of hair! I knew it was long but not that long. The errant hairs all over the house might have given me a clue but to hold it in my hand (as I did intend to donate to Locks of Love) was a little surprising.

3 hours later, my hair is highlighted once again and much much shorter. True to her word, it falls just below my shoulders. My head feels like it's going to float away for all the weight that's gone. It's cute, it's different and more importantly..I love it!

It isn't as short as my middle school-awkward-growing-out-at-a-most-painful-time, but it's short, for me.

The first comment, aside from my talented hairdressing friend, was from my fantastic sitter and wine guru, BB, she said it immediately made me look younger. And I love her for that.

Have you ever taken a drastic cut? Like it, love it, hated it?

PS. I checked out Locks for Love website before I filled out the donation form and mailed it in and discoverd that they will take colored hair but not bleached hair. Mine had been highlighted in the past so my hair was a no no for this.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012


After 6 1/2 years of working in 911, I'm taking a new job. In the 6 1/2 years, my life has changed in so many ways. Most notable are my daughters. Two blessings that I never thought I'd have. I had all but written off having more children but God decided otherwise.

So with a new job, comes new routines. Thankfully, Grandma (Mimi) and Grandpa (Papa) will take the girls on days that we need a sitter. I know they'll be safe, secure and well cared for. And maybe a little spoiled. It'll be such a new change for all of us.

One of the perks of the new job is that I no longer have to wear combat boots and polos to work. Skirts and heels will return. Woohoo!

Wish me luck as we venture onward and upward.
